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Wisdom Teeth Headache: The Truth about Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth Headache: The Truth about Wisdom Teeth

It’s no secret that wisdom teeth can cause a lot of problems. They can crowd your mouth, make it difficult to chew, and, worst of all; they can cause headaches. That’s right – wisdom teeth can be the root cause of some pretty severe headaches.

So how do wisdom teeth cause headaches?

It all has to do with the pressure they put on your jaw. Wisdom teeth apply uneven tension and pressure to your jaw, which can lead to headaches. Wisdom teeth can also irritate the nerves in your jaw, which can also cause headaches.

If wisdom teeth are not removed, they can lead to other health problems. That’s why it’s so important to have your wisdom teeth checked by a dentist to see if they need to be removed.

Removing wisdom teeth is a standard dental procedure that is done under anesthesia. Wisdom teeth removal is common, and most people experience minimal pain after surgery. However, it’s essential to consult your dentist to see if wisdom teeth removal is proper for you.

Recovery time after having wisdom teeth removed is typically short, and you should be able to resume your normal activities within a few days. Following your dentist’s instructions after surgery is essential to ensure a speedy recovery. This includes eating soft foods, taking pain medication as prescribed, and avoiding smoking.

If you’re experiencing headaches, don’t suffer in silence – talk to your dentist about whether or not wisdom teeth might be the cause. And if they are, wisdom teeth removal might be the best solution for you. Contact Fowler Dental if you are located in Mississauga, we’ll provide you with a solution. 

Wisdom Teeth Headaches | How to Deal with Them?
Wisdom Teeth Headache
Wisdom Teeth Headaches

How to deal with headaches caused by wisdom teeth?

First, you could determine if the wisdom teeth are the actual cause of your headaches. The best way to make sure is to make an appointment with your dentist and have them check it out.

However, you could look for a few signs that may tell you if you’re experiencing wisdom teeth headache: 

  • Pain in your jaw: Earnest, a prolonged pain in the rear of your mouth is not typical and could indicate that your wisdom teeth are impacted and infected. 
  • Stiff & Sore Jaw: Impacted or infected wisdom teeth can lead to a rigid and painful jaw. You might have trouble moving your mouth, sometimes opening it wide for food intake! 
  • Swelling and Gum Discoloration: Gum discoloration near your wisdom teeth is an indication that bacteria have been building up for some time. As this process continues, the gums will increasingly be swollen and take on a dark or reddish color rather than their typical pink hue. 
  • Halitosis – The bad breath that never goes away. It could be an indication of a wisdom teeth problem. If wisdom teeth cause your headaches, the good news is that they can be removed. Wisdom teeth removal is a standard dental procedure done under anesthesia, and most people experience minimal pain after surgery. However, it’s essential to consult your dentist to see if wisdom teeth removal is proper for you.

You can do a few things to ease painful headaches caused by wisdom teeth.  

  • Over-the-counter pain medication can help to relieve the pain. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are both effective in reducing inflammation and pain.   
  • Apply ice packs to your cheeks for 20 minutes. This will help reduce the swelling and the pressure applied by wisdom teeth causing headaches.   
  • Avoid hard or chewy foods that irritate your wisdom teeth. Stick to soft foods like soup, mashed potatoes, and yogurt.

To avoid wisdom teeth headaches, to brush and flossing regularly are essential to practice good oral hygiene. This will help keep your wisdom teeth clean and free of bacteria, decreasing the possibility of wisdom teeth headaches.   

See your dentist for regular check-ups. This will help ensure that your wisdom teeth are healthy and not causing any problems.   

If you’re experiencing wisdom teeth headaches, don’t suffer in silence. Talk to your dentist about whether or not wisdom teeth removal might be the best solution for you. Contact us at Fowler Dental if you are located in Mississauga. 

Wisdom Teeth Headaches | Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost
Wisdom Teeth Headaches

How much will a dental visit for wisdom teeth headaches cost me?

If you’re experiencing wisdom teeth headaches, the best way to find out if they’re the cause is to schedule a visit with your dentist. They’ll be able to determine if wisdom teeth are the source of your pain and recommend removal if necessary.

Fowler Dental is an affordable dentist in Mississauga; contact us to book a consultation at affordable prices. 

Wisdom teeth removal is a standard dental procedure that is done under anesthesia. The cost of wisdom teeth removal can vary depending on how many wisdom teeth need to be removed and whether or not local anesthesia is required. However, the average cost of wisdom teeth removal is between $160 and $489.  

Some factors affect the treatment costs, like the number of teeth that needs to be removed, the position of the affected jaw, and whether or not local anesthesia is required.  

A typical wisdom tooth removal under anesthesia costs around $1,800 for four wisdom tooth removal. 

Summary | Wisdom Teeth Headaches

 Wisdom teeth are located in the mouth, just behind and below the eye. They’re not needed since they don’t come up very often but can cause discomfort when growing them out or having too many pushes through your gum tissue- which could lead to nerve damage if you already have migraine headaches!  

Growing wisdom teeth can cause damage to your nerves and muscles, leading to wisdom teeth headaches. If you have ever had pain in one of these areas, it is likely because other symptoms haven’t been identified! 

There’s no need for worry, though, because treatment available will help with this issue – from home remedies like ice packs applied directly onto temples during attacks to surgery once necessary. 

At Fowler Dental, we know that dental care is integral to your life, so we try our best to understand what you need and want from us. Our goal isn’t just a pain-free visit; it’s creating lasting memories with no stress while ensuring teeth stay healthy! 

Contact our office to ensure you get fast relief from your wisdom tooth headaches today! 

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