Your Essential Guide to Dental Implant Cost in Mississauga
Dental implants are not just necessary to uplift the over aesthetic appearance of your smile, but it also has a restorative function. Neglecting implants could have severe deteriorative consequences in the long term.
Before you go into dental implant cost in Mississauga, it is essential to determine if an implant is a correct option for you. In a previous article, we discussed the ins and outs of cosmetic dentistry, which is well worth the read. However, as we always suggest, please consult your dentist first before heading in a specific direction.
Fowler Dental in Mississauga is available for emergency walk-in dental services too. Schedule an appointment by calling 905-855-2996 or visiting us at 1925 Fowler Drive in Mississauga, Ontario. We are open Monday through Saturday, 9 am to 7 pm.
What are dental implants?
Before getting to dental implant cost in Mississauga, we need to understand first what dental implants are. Dental implants are restorative procedures to replace excessively damaged or missing teeth. Tooth loss could occur due to tooth decay, gum disease, or injury. Dental implants are needed to replace the function of roots and serve as anchors. It is an interface with the skull or jawbone to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown or to keep a bridge in place.
We’ve done a more detailed article on Dental Implants, check that article out here!
Why would someone need a dental implant?
Tooth loss may occur due to injury, tooth decay, or gum disease. Missing teeth not only play a role in the aesthetic appearance of one’s smile and the negative psychological effects associated with it but, if left as is, could lead to further deterioration of the jawbone or skull.
If not treated soon, bone loss is likely to occur, which could lead to other complications requiring additional invasive procedures such as a bone graft or sinus lift. The teeth surrounding the gap is also likely to tilt or shift in different directions.
What are the different types of dental implant procedures?
Dental implant cost in Mississauga will vary from patient to patient. One of the reasons for that is those different implant procedures are available to patients to match their specific needs.
- Two-Stage Dental Implants
The first stage includes surgery to attach the dental implant to the bone. The mouth needs to heal through a process called osseointegration- where the bone unites with the surface of the implant.
After a few months, minor surgery is required to add the crown to its foundation.
- Endosteal/Endosseous Dental Implants
Following the same two-stage method mentioned above, endosteal implants are used instead of a bridge or denture.
- Single-Stage Dental Implants
The difference between the single-stage and two-stage implant is that the implant protrudes the gums, which allows the dentist to add the abutment (crown, etc.) without having to surgically open the gums again.
- Subperiosteal Dental Implants
These dental implants are also single-stage treatments. The implants are fixed into the jaw bone, and small metal posts are exposed above, where the abutment will be attached after months of healing.
What are the benefits of dental implants over other forms of tooth replacement such as dentures or bridges?
Not only do dental implant restorations look more natural, but they also have almost the same strength when it comes to chewing power as natural teeth. They will also remain firmly in place, just like regular teeth, and don’t need additional adhesives. Once they are in, it is like having your old tooth back.
Implant-supported teeth won’t grind down and weaken neighboring teeth, as is the case with bridges. By filling the gaps between teeth, implants prevent bacterial accumulation that could lead to gum disease. They also support and keep the adjacent teeth in place so that they won’t change direction and compromise your bite’s alignment, which could damage the other teeth in the future.
Are there any risks associated with getting dental implants installed in your mouth?
When done by an expert dentist, the odds of health risks associated with dental implants decrease drastically. But like any surgery, there is always a chance of minor complications to follow. These include infection, damage to surrounding structures such as other teeth or blood vessels, nerve damage, numbness or tingling in other teeth, lips, or chin, and even sinus damage.
Implant-supported teeth won’t grind down and weaken neighboring teeth, as is the case with bridges. By filling the gaps between teeth, implants prevent bacterial accumulation that could lead to gum disease. They also support and keep the adjacent teeth in place so that they won’t change direction and compromise your bite’s alignment, which could damage the other teeth in the future.
How long do dental implants last, and do they need to be replaced over time as other teeth replacement options do?
A study from the National Library of Medicine revealed that implants have a success rate of 90-95% over the span of 10 years. Due to wear and tear, the crown needs to be replaced, and the studies showed that 50-80% of crowns may need to be replaced after 15 to 20 years after the procedure.
The studies also revealed some bad news for smokers. Overall implant failure rates are six percent higher amongst smokers versus non-smokers.
Maintaining good oral hygiene will help improve the longevity of the implants. A build-up of plague could lead to gum disease, which will also impact the area around the implants, which leads to peri-implant disease. If left untreated, it could lead to implant failure.
Bone loss due to osteoporosis and other similar medical condition can also compromise the integrity of the implant over time and will require additional procedures to repair.
What are some factors that determine the cost of dental implants?
Some patients will plan their budget based on the first search results they find on Google. But it is essential to remember that every case is unique, and there are certain factors that will vary, which all play a role in determining the dental implant cost in Mississauga.
Your dentist will best explain what is required for your unique situation, but to prepare you for what to expect and how the bill can grow, we included some of the factors below that should expect to play an impact on your quote.
- The implant procedure
We explained the different methods available for dental implants, and these will play an important role in the costs. It also depends on the number of implants required. Dentists usually give a discounted rate on the following implants if the surgery is done on the same day.
- Preparation costs
Certain patients may need additional preparation treatments before going through the dental implant procedure. For instance, if a patient has decaying or damaged teeth, extraction would be required first, which will add to the cost.
Following a long period after losing the tooth, patients may experience diminished bone density, for which they require a bone graft procedure, for instance. Again, these are all factors that would be disclosed by your dentist following the initial consultation.
- Sedation
For such invasive dental procedures, patients need some sedation to ensure their comfort through the procedures. The type of sedation the patient chooses will influence the overall costs.
- Location of the missing tooth
The cost can be affected by the type and position of the tooth that is missing. Depending on their position, some may require a longer time to work, which will have an influence on the costs incurred.
- Overall oral health
If you are suffering from an oral condition such as periodontal disease, the odds are small that any good dentist would even consider the procedure at that point in time. Additional treatment would be needed to improve oral health, and the dentist would only proceed with the implant procedure once the patient’s oral health is up to scratch again.
How much does a dental implant cost in Mississauga?
Doing research online and reading testimonials will give you an idea of how much dental implants could cost in a certain geographic location, but don’t bank on that amount. After reading this article, you may have come to realize that a dental implant isn’t simply a quick-fix procedure and that every case is unique.
That is why a phone call wouldn’t work either. For an accurate quote, you’ll need to set up an appointment with your dentist so that he can inspect your unique requirements.
However, you will find that certain dentists offer prices from as low as $1500, but remember to read the fine print as these prices could exclude materials, crowns, etc.
Where can you find affordable dental implants in Mississauga?
Fowler Dental in Mississauga is an affordable dentist with a stellar reputation for fixing smiles while placing patient comfort on center stage. Fowler Dental understands the physiological and psychological strains that missing teeth can have on people.
Whether it is dentures that are coming loose, missing teeth, or in need of dentures in the future, contact us and take the first step toward a shimmering smile.
If you need more information regarding dental implant cost in Mississauga, contact Fowler Dental at 905-855-2996 or visit us at 1925 Fowler Drive in Mississauga, Ontario. We are open Monday through Saturday, 9 am to 7 pm.